27 October 2008

20 October 2008

the stem cell registry


A friend's father is treating his cancer with chemotherapy. But it's a rare form and he needs suitable stem cells. We're all hoping that his three siblings will provide a match. If they don't, he turns to the donor registry and they say the chances aren't good.

I didn't even know a stem cell registry existed. Getting on it is like giving blood, so the chance to save a life is certainly worth it. Look into joining.

Yay T&T

Andy asked me out of the blue a while ago about AT&T's business enrollment options. I put in my school address.

Well, today I saw this line on my new bill.
National Account Discount   -11.48
A little googling convinced me it's because I signed up at that page.

Thanks, Andy!

Do other phone companies have stuff like this?

14 October 2008

Computers: D'oh!

A little cross-action between The Colbert Report, Rory's shared items (half way down, Rise of the Financial Machines), and mine (same title).

She is fetching.