28 November 2007

What do other people title their first post?

I am inspired by o t h e r s. I would be remiss if I neglected to acknowledge the longevity of Dan.

Entries will be thematic.
  • research stuff that may bore everyone but me; maybe you'll see why I like it
  • lots of whining about various sorts of decision making (personal, finance, politicals, ...)
  • clever plans I probably won't remember to execute
  • thoughts I'd like to share (current events, music, lifestyle, ...)
And crafted.
  • brevity is key; I'd like to you read these after all
  • thoughtfulness over frequency
  • entries will be tagged according to theme, so you can easily find similar entries


Two Guys Good Health said...

Didnt just the other day you said: 'I will never have a blog'... just thought I should bring that up. And I love how a PhD student names their blog: Ignorance is OK! But, Im glad you're blogging. You're added to my rss. And use google analytics... takes the narcissism of blogging to the next level!

Nicolas Frisby said...

Analytics is now installed. I will soon bask in my unenviable traffic statistics!

Katie Laird said...

semantics...you and i might be studying really similar things with different labels. and i work with people, the old school computers.

well, i for one am flippin excited about this blog. it would make me sleep better at night if all your verbs in your about me section were in the same tense, but what can i do. this is not my blog afterall. i will never have a blog, unless i program it myself. (Frisby, 11/27/07)

Katie Laird said...

oh ps. to save you the time:

it is 9:30.
im in my house
lawrence, ks
born in shawnee mission
outstanding lawrence parking tickets
several bike injuries, one involving a broken arm and the other chin stitches
a peculiar history with hamsters as pets

Nicolas Frisby said...


I'm confused. The verbs in my About Me section do agree and they have always agreed--trust me.

i.e. Thanks for pointing that out.

Unknown said...

I am speechless....except for let me say that I am, at the same time, in awe.
Love as always,