29 December 2007

For 4!

I brush my teeth for at least four minutes, most often a bit longer. That is too long. In fact it's about this long, and about that boring as well, but not nearly as frustrating. It's the compulsion of mine that I am most aware of. (Apparently I occasionally breathe in sharply through my teeth, but I very rarely am aware of it and certainly do not intend it. Not a compulsion then, is it? Right; hence the parentheses.)

My mouth is tingly and bubbly afterwards, no matter how much I rinse. I've recently begun incorporating a super-rinse where I start a run of the mill rinse, but don't spit it out until a few minutes later. Holllld it. Holllld it. I'll do something in the meantime such as put on deodorant (not antiperspirant) and jeans (not shorts) and read morning email. This has been effective. I intend to continue. Less bubbles — I cannot figure out why this works.

Please leave a comment to identify my compulsion of which you find yourself to be most aware. And even throw in your own compulsion as well if you like. Let me stress that I would like comments on this post. With a response to the question, not just with a comment. A question and a comment (2' mark) would also be welcome. Once more — please comment. Yep; a yes to comments. Thanks.

(I labeled this post quirky. It took me 40 minutes to write it.)


dn said...

Mmm. I knew you had more Blog Magic in you.

I like to think that I can multitask while I brush my teeth: put on pajamas, arrange sheets on the bed, and so forth. I've found that I usually slow my brushing significantly during these tasks, or stop brushing entirely. In effect, I'm just increasing the level of difficulty in completing these activities.

I'm sad to say that I cannot identify any of your compulsive behaviors. Probably because most of my time with you has been spent quietly watching movies.

hootenannie said...

I have no idea how I wound up on your blog, but the "4 minutes 33 seconds was worth it."

Happy New Year!

StPatsAuction said...

According to my dentist and awesome (dentist recommended) toothbrush you are only supposed to brush for two minutes. Perhaps your extended brushing is leading to your extended bubbles.

And I don't know you well enough anymore to identify any compulsions (which is unfortunate and should be remedied) but I'm sure if I thought really hard I could come up with old compulsions.